Pay attention to your thoughts. Sometime something brilliant emerges. The trick is to weed out the layers of non sense and filter it down to the gems. Innovation is based on thought. Learn how to distinguish, to discern your own mental process. Is it junk or is it potentially incredible?
My paintings come in bursts. Not really in my control. Even though I go daily into my studio and “check in”..Sometimes I just sit and look at the work in progress. Sometime I work until I break through a glass ceiling. But one thing is for sure, my ordinary mind, the concerns and attachments have to stay outside.
Artist talk
Interesting Balance between spontaneity and control both in work and
in the response to it
Title… Fragments of thoughts
Inspired by life and feeling of life,nature and aliveness
Work in burst and develop an idea in a series of works
Times very refined and other moments with great pulsating free feeling
Approach as
fragments of text, messages buried under layers of paint
suggestive lines of familiar shapes
The un communicative ness of things
Only an aching heart can see the depth of
Condensed emotion in a individual form
Rooted in experience and vision
Work must have a sense of clarity and intent
Dance of paradoxes , stability of composition and fluidity of
movement, lightness and depth, freedom and control of the medium and
Taking a concept like moments, love letters, transformation as a
starting point and building it from there.
Paradoxes,work like your hair is on fire and a state of total ease and